The following links go to samples of web sites I built, either on my own or as part of a team. Simply click on the hyperlink and go to the appropriate sample. All of these sites I have stripped down and simplified, contact information has been deleted, etc.
I am giving a sample, not whole web sites...
Catapulse, a software developing firm I coded several pages for this site, and I have posted a few pages here to give you a taste for both design and functionality.
Stamp Out Stigma, a small non-profit My role here was design and coding, and for six months after I implemented the site, the organization had me do webmaster work for them as well.
Galleria Tempest, an art gallery For this web site I did the design work and coding as well as implementation.
The links below take you to several sets of web site templates that I designed and coded.
Blue Template This is a cool blue look and feel.
Earth Tones Here is a study in earthy colors.
Four Panels Here I experiment with layout and navigation.
Sea Green Templates For this site I added background colors to the pages, but the floating navigation has no background shades of its own.
Send me an email message at and let's talk about what you need from a website, and what that will run you in terms of pricing and time to completion.