There are more than 14 million software developers under tremendous pressure to develop high quality software. Time to market is more important than ever before, and project teams are becoming increasingly complex and dispersed. Catapulse is addressing this market with unique solutions built from its strong leadership and industry partners.
Catapulse is an integrated environment for every phase of software development - from concept to deployment. It allows development teams to focus on creating and delivering quality, software-driven products and services: anytime, anywhere.
Catapulse has established partnerships with world-class companies who deliver proven technologies and best-in-class tools. These partnerships will help organizations focus on development and on decreasing their time to market. While Catapulse continues to remain silent regarding strategic direction until later this year, it will continue to employ its start-up financing of $75 million to rapidly exploit its first-mover position in this space.
Founded in October 1999 by Paul Levy and Mike Devlin, the original co-founders of Rational Software, Catapulse is leveraging the Internet to provide an unprecedented range of resources designed to change the nature of software development. Catapulse and Rational are leveraging their partnership with a complementary set of products and services that help companies overcome common development hurdles. Through its integrated solution, Catapulse will enable professional software teams to work and collaborate more effectively - allowing software-driven products and services to be delivered better and faster.
Based in Cupertino, in the heart of Silicon Valley, Catapulse received its first round of funding of $75 million from Rational Software and Benchmark Capital. For more information about Catapulse's management team and careers at Catapulse, visit these pages on our web site.